The event Northcape4000 was cancelled in 2020 due to covid, I rode the route on the ergobike and was able to collect a good 9000 euros for families in need (South Tyrol helps) through your participation.

On July 24, 2021, the Rovereto- North Cape race will now start in real. According to my original idea, I would like to pedal the 4500 km and collect donations for the organization AEB (Organization for parents of disabled children). Families with children with disabilities had it especially hard in the lockdown times, because they could get little direct relief.
I would be very happy if you would participate again. My motivation is then all the greater to get as far as possible …
With a donation of 1 cent per kilometer that would be 40 €, which (should I make it all the way to the North Cape) can be transferred directly to the AEB account. Who likes, may of course also donate 2 cents, 3 cents, etc. or more … Every cent is welcome!!! I look forward to your pledge.
With anticipation
Gabi Winck
Starting July 24, here is the link to follow me on my ride.
– Pledge
– I add you to the donor list on my blog (if desired, also anonymous)
– I go tot he Northcape by bike – you can follow me on the tracker (you will get the link before the event)
– Afterwards you get the IBAN of the AEB (reason for transfer: North Cape)
– you get a donation receipt